Rewild Your Life!
Live-Online Class Series
How to grow a more earth-connected life for you and your family
Are you wanting a more Earth-connected life for you and your family and a community of like hearted folks? Explore over 20 different weekly, monthly and annual practices of nature connection and community building. This is a class for both individuals and parents.
Over the course of this 5-week program we will explore:
​Learn simple practices that can help you to be more familiar with nature and to feel a sense of kinship with the wild world
How to invite in traditions for you or your family that follow the cycle of the seasons and year.
Learn how to cultivate a community of like hearted folks
Explore the how to incorporate practices into your life and the rhythm of natural cycles of the day, moon, and year
Touch on rituals within the course of life from birth to death
cultivate a learning community that you can stay connected with outside of the class.
Session 1 The Practice of Practice: Explore the philosophy behind these practices and skills and how to incorporate them into your life.
Session 2 Daily and Weekly Practices: Learn a handful of simple daily practices that you can begin integrating into your life.
Session 3 Practices of the Moon or Month: The moon and month provide opportunity for community gatherings and working on larger projects. Explore different monthly practices.
Session 4 Practices of the Year: There are many activities and moments in the course of a year that have a cyclical and ritual quality, be it celebrating the turning of the seasons, planting a garden, taking time for grief and many other practices of the year.
Session 5 Practices of the Circle of a Life: There are many moments in a person's life that call for acknowledgment. From birth to death we will explore important passages of life and how to mark an honor them.
Your journey will also include these gifts:
Justin's Ebook: Rewild Your Life
Discounts on future programs
Guided meditations, podcast interview and other gifts.
2025 Dates: 5-Sessions on Tuesdays
Tuesdays, Feb 4, 11, 18, 25, Mar 4
Time: 7pm-8:30pm
Location: zoom
Cost: $99
Justin Pegnataro, LPC
Justin Pegnataro is an ecotherapist and writer who mentors folks in how to rewild their lives, find their soul’s purpose and grow vibrant communities. Justin was the Executive Director of Two Coyotes Wilderness School for over a decade. Justin also has experience in leading Rites of passage and initiatory ceremonies and in building community through creating life-affirming earth-based culture.
Over the years, Justin has mentored hundreds of adults and teens into discovering who they are, claiming their personal power and in finding a deep sense of belonging within their own communities and the more-than-human world.